On June 27th installers and manufacturers of heatpumps in the TDI500 consortium came together at TBI in Amersfoort to discuss the exchange of heatpump data. The TDI500 consortium wants to achieve the installation of 500 extra heatpumps per day in the Netherlands. From our team, Jack Verhoosel, Jeanine de Graaf and Klaas Andries de Graaf are working on a solution to exchange performance data from the different heatpump installations to the inhabitants and installers. We presented a proof-of-concept implementation of the Knowledge engine to exchange data from various manufacturer APIs in an interoperable and semantically enriched format. A series of simple webpages (see example below) showcase how the data is exchange. The exchange makes use of the Heatpump Common Ontology (HCO), which is extended from SAREF.

Webpage highlighting heatpump data exchange with Knowledge Engine